I Would Be...
. . . a Democrat if . . .
They could protect the least of these. If they moved to limit abortions and allow the most vulnerable innocent lives to actually be given the opportunity of life. But they fail to allow such a thing to happen. Instead they are willing to allow their children to die in the wombs of their mothers, those people who should be willing to protect their children at all costs, rather than destroy them out of mere inconveniences. There are alternatives to abortion if the mother is unable to raise the child due to economic, physiological, or even physical concerns. However, the murdering of the innocent is not to be accepted.
They could find ways to help those who needed help actually help themselves as opposed to being dependent upon others. Face it, programs that help the poor, the down trodden, and yes, even the lazy are needed. But not at the expense of crippling those who are willing to be productive in society but who are unable to be productive. But the fact is we live in a system that allows the downtrodden to trod on those who are productive and this too, is not to be accepted.
They would find ways to include the gospel and the teachings of Jesus into their official platforms. Just this year the inclusion of God into their platform resulted in a chorus of boos from many (not all of, not even sure if most of could be used, but some or many). Fact is, Democrats so fear losing the votes of those against God that they completely ignore Him in government. This too, is not to be accepted.
. . . a Republican if . . .
They were willing to protect more than just the lives of the most innocent. If they were willing to be neighbors and turn the other cheek, such as the teachings of their Savior and God insist we do. But rather they wish to inflate the budget through adding more money into the military, despite the fact that our military is the best funded in the world and blows any other country out of the water in terms of financial investment. And as a result they are not willing to insert the same amount of money into our government that would extend healthcare to those who are unable to purchase it on their own. Fact is God wishes us to love our enemies, not torture, shoot, or bomb them as well as be a neighbor to those around us. This is not to be accepted.
They were willing to understand in some situations abortion is necessary. I can't even imagine the situation of a woman who has been forced to carry a child when she did not make the decision to have sex. In other words, I could not imagine myself as a woman who is pregnant due to rape. I could not imagine myself in the situation of having to choose between my life and the life of another that I have been entrusted with, if one of the above mentioned lives must come at the cost of the other. Yet some Republicans insist that all abortions are wrong, no matter the circumstances (ironically these have been males as of late, see Akin and Mourdock). And many Republicans have been slow to condemn these comments or have done so in a weak manner. Of course we could just outlaw abortion altogether and then have women going to back room clinics and thus endanger both their lives along the lives of their unborn children too. This too, is not to be accepted.
They would stop viewing those who need help as lazy, unmotivated people. Yes, many of them are. There are many who take advantage of the system. But the fact is there are also a lot of them who need help because they have fallen upon hard times. But to end up pulling the safety net from beneath them because of the actions of some is ridiculous. Sometimes people need help, as as our neighbors, we need to offer them help, no matter the cost. This too, is not to be accepted.
They stopped worshiping the market as if it was some kind of Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent deity; these are attributes which are normally ascribed to God. They believe that the market fixes everything, that all will be fine and dandy, and that the invisible hand will move everything to make sure that the best interests of all people are attained. This is easy to say when we look at the market in America, I mean most of us are rich by world standards but much of our wealth comes at the expense of other nations, where our corporations move and hire foreign workers at slave wages. It can also be seen where resources from other nations are taken, and those places are left with nothing, and when said resources are gone they move on. This too, is not to be accepted.
. . . either if . . .
Both sides could actually sit down and have a civil discussion. That they could actually put the needs of the nation's people, as well as those in other nations, ahead of corporations that donate large sums of money to their political campaigns. Both the Republican and Democratic parties seem to have forgotten what constitutes both civility and what it means to have the people in their best interests.
A Call For Christ.
Fact is, I have been called a conservative and a liberal. I have been seen by women as being incompatible because I am not conservative enough and because I am not liberal enough. I therefore must be doing something right. I am in the middle, I intend to be a peacemaker, I desire that both parties get back to the negotiating table to make this a better nation, rather than go back to their news channels to campaign 24/7/365 the day after an election. And until such time I will be neither a Republican nor a Democrat. Instead of promoting Republican or Democratic causes and rather than pointing fingers at one side or the other, I will instead do this: I will promote the cause of Christ, that we love our neighbors as ourselves, that we do no harm to others, both inside of and outside of the womb, when they have done no harm, or have even done harm to us. I will help them no matter the cost, even if it causes me to sacrifice something of myself. Also, I will point out the wrongs of both parties, I will not be a shill, I will not promote one side because they are red or blue, an elephant or a donkey, a liberal or a conservative. Being morally wrong or right is universal whether one flaunts a tea bag or lives in tents during their protests. In short, it's time for the church to be followers of Christ instead of followers of political institutions.
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